SALT is dedicated to providing technical education to First Nation Land Managers and staff of Saskatchewan. We aim to be a one stop shop for all things Lands. We currently offer annual training funded through NALMA. These Opportunities are open to all Saskatchewan First Nation Land Managers, technicians or Lands staff. Dates will vary year to year please check out event calendar for dates

Annual Land Manager Conference

Two and a half day conference that allows SALT staff, ISC staff and First Nation communities in the province to come together and offer a platform for knowledge to be shared, enhance skills and bring up and address common challenges that communities are facing. The goal of this conference is to have a yearly touch base to ensure that knowledge mobilization on evolving programs is happening regardless of turnover rates.

Annual Drone Training

SALT has partnered with Blackhawk Aeronautical Solutions to provide a three-day training session on utilizing a drone. Providing this technical training allows communities to have ownership of seeing how their land is changing and allow for monitoring opportunities.

Annual Pasture Management and Rider Training

This program will look at a mixture of in-class and field training. Topics covered will range from identifying healthy range land, weeds, and wetland health. Horse handling and effective pasture management will be a focus.

Annual Introduction of Survey Basics

SALT has partnered with Natural Resource Canada (NRCan) to present their work on building survey understanding on reserve to ensure that First Nations know what to look for when a survey is done or requested.