Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians Board of Directors

The matrix for selecting candidates includes land managements experience, cultural and geographic diversity of First Nations across Saskatchewan.

SALT is governed in accordance with the Saskatchewan Non-profit Corporations Act. The SALT Board has the ultimate decision-making and fiduciary responsibility. The SALT Board is currently comprised of 6 elected Directors, one ISC representative, one U of S representative and the Chairman serving on staggered terms.

Theodore J Merasty Chair

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

Jason Ballantyne Vice Chair

Montreal Lake

Kelsey Watson Daniels Treasurer

Mistawasis Nehiyawak

Deanna Ryder Director

Carry The Kettle

Wendell Head Director

Red Earth

Ty Roberts Director

Lac La Ronge

Natalie Dueck Indigenous Service Canda, Lands Manager

George Gordon First Nation

Jordie Gagnon University of Saskatchewan, Senior Strategic Officer Indigenous Programs and Partnerships

Metis Local 10

Key Responsibilities of the Board:

  • Setting direction of SALT
  • Overseer of strategy and succession planning
  • Ensuring overall accountability
  • Making policy and strategic decisions